Ad Hoc provides innovative and practical solutions for securing properties whilst offering affordable living spaces across the UK. Our Guardians, many of them key workers, pay around 30% less than equivalent market rates for their living spaces. Occupying vacant properties provides huge social value for all concerned and with the savings the Guardians make, they can plan for the future.
Keeping unoccupied property safe and secure is vital to protecting your investment. This is where our Ad Hoc live-in Guardian solution comes in: the most effective way to reduce costs while preventing break-ins. We currently have Guardians living in all types of buildings ranging from former schools, offices, day care centres, care homes and, of course, houses and flats.
Looking for an affordable place to live? We have properties available all over the UK. Register now!
Keeping property and land safe and secure is vital to your investment. Ad Hoc offers practical and intelligent solutions that provide deterrent against theft, burglary, vandalism, ASB, squatting, fly tipping and other issues that cost asset owners time and money. Our expertise and consultative approach will steer you through the process of securing and protecting your assets.
Our properties have benefitted greatly from Ad Hoc’s services. They have provided safety, security and peace of mind that our properties are safe and well-protected. Ad Hoc’s service over the last 2 years has been excellent.
As one of the founding members of the Property Guardian Providers Association we are dedicated to improving standards within the industry. The Association has established a formal constitution which sets a benchmark for the legal obligations of management companies and property owners, as well as a service quality covenant to guardians. To become a member, companies must not only meet the criteria as defined in the constitution; they are also subject to an annual audit of their services and procedures.